Gloster F.34/35

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Senior Airman
Dec 27, 2006
Gloster aircraft did a series of twin-engined fighter designs, which were essentially developments of this first design.

The fourth was the Reaper to Spec. F.18/40 - a design for a night-fighter, the third was the F.11/37 - a twin-engined canon armed turret fighter, the second was the G.39 to F.9/37, the fixed gun fighter.

now I've seen a photo of a model of the F.34/35 in Tony Buttler's book, but it has no info. - anybody know more - engines, est speed etc!????
Come on guys, hasn't anyone got any info!?
Any opinions on the engines - would it be too early for the Taurus? Therefore would it have Mercury engines? But if so, how much faster would it be in comparison with the Blenheim?
I don't have too much information on it I'm afraid but I do have this three view drawing which you can see below.

Also the F.34/35 was not the first design in thew sequence, it was itself derived from the F.5/33 which I don't have a picture of.

The F5.33 was to be powered by two 625hp Bristol Aquila engines. A prototype of the F34/35 was ordered and it was to be serialled K8625 but this was abandoned when the Defiant was selected as the RAF's sole turret fighter.

According to the source I have the F.9/37 was just the F.34/35 with the gun turret removed in order to provide a speedy response to the requirement so it is possible that the prototype may have been ordered with Aquila's with the intention to move to The Taurus later on.

An even less detailed drawing and possibly the model illustrated in Butler's book.

According to a Profile magazine, the Air Ministry initially favoured the Airspeed AS.31 design for Specification F.34/35?...


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