just remember one of his reasons for appeasing Hitler was to buy us time to build up our armed forces! he wasn't stupid he knew what we needed and eventually he declared war, he was no chicken either!
and RE the navy, regardless of who was in power, the RN was vital to Britain, we still had a huge empire to protect and it was still the navy's job to protect it, the navy for Germany was something of a novelty as their main force rested in their army, for us the Navy was the strongest of all our forces because it had to be, just as before WWI we would never let Germany get ahead of us, we knew that if we did we were done for, it was our naval supremacy that starved Germany in WWI and it was our Navy that was vital for protecting supplies from America at the start of WWII, it's something that non-Brits struggle to comprihend at times i think but in this time period, regardless of political situation, we could NEVER let annother European power becomne stronger than us on the seas, we couldn't afford to..........