Greetings from Ukraine from Igmar.

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Apr 20, 2023
I am communicating through a virtual translator.
My name is Igor and I live in Ukraine. I started modeling back in the Soviet Union, a long time ago. There was a period when this hobby had to be abandoned, but then I came back to it. I collect models for clients. Recently I had the idea to open my own channel on YouTube. I have no preference for direction and scale, I like the process of painstaking, precise assembly of a scale replica. I will try to share my experience with my colleagues on "Igmar_TV-ScaleModels".
Welcome from the Netherlands, who were never part of England although once produced a king of England.

But still pledge allegiance to Spain and admit their German descent and allegiance in their national anthem. Ahem, ahem…

William of Nassau am I, of German descent;
True to the fatherland I remain until death.
Prince of Orange am I, free and fearless.
To the King of Spain I have always given honour.

Thank you for the warm welcome and for the short excursion into history.
Greetings, fellow traveller! Welcome aboard. Can't wait to see your models and your YT channel!
The model is on this page:
Link to the channel, here:
It's German blood actually. There all kinds of explanations ( excuses if you will) for that line. First of all, they are the words of William of orange, who was indeed born in Germany (although Germany did not exist then, only much later). Another explanation that is that it's actually coming from "Diets" ( the real Dutch word there is "Duyts"), which you all know as "Dutch" in English.

In fact William did indeed serve the Spanish king ( who actually was a Belgian, which was part of the Netherlands back then) until he started to throw all those Spaniards out in order to be able to form a team that would beat those Germans at football.
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