Let´s post it here.
Japanese soldier killed by flamethrower.
Flamethrowers was used as early as WW I on both sides and is considered a legitimate weapon to use.
Mr. Robert Capa´s photos from Spanish Civil War and from WW II, what a tough guy!
On the Leipzig photos it is the loader that appears to be KIA not the gunner.
Japanese soldier killed by flamethrower.
Flamethrowers was used as early as WW I on both sides and is considered a legitimate weapon to use.
Mr. Robert Capa´s photos from Spanish Civil War and from WW II, what a tough guy!
On the Leipzig photos it is the loader that appears to be KIA not the gunner.
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loyalist_militiaman_federico_borrell_garcia_killed_in_battle_at_cerro_muriano_on_5_sept_1936__confir17.1 KB · Views: 257