Groundhog Thread Part Deux - P-39 Fantasy and Fetish - The Never Ending Story (Mods take no responsibility for head against wall injuries sustained)

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But the P-39C was a domestic model and it had the gas heater. @Shortround6 also provided pilot manuals for the D-1 and D-2 which also showed they had the gas heater.

Please provide a source for your assertion that the D had ducted air heating.

I would like to know how much this gas heater weighed.

It must have been in the hundreds of pounds, otherwise the British would not have specified it.
What color is the Gremlin?
Uh... the... well... um...

Normally I grok the essence of your posts in their fullness but...


As an aside, the DMV in Florida is A number 1. They get you in and out right quick, all modern with, and I know it's hard to believe, helpful civil servant types behind the counter.
What color is the Gremlin?
Purple... it was purple.

100 years ago when I was a dumb teenager (is there any other kind), one of my buddies decided to drop a 327 Chevy in I think a 1974 purple Gremlin.

Nope. It could be done but I think it was determined he'd have to remove the front seats, and sit in back, change about everything yadda yadda yadda, long story short, you could make a bitchin' drag car out of it, but nothing street legal, at least now without a wheelbarrow full of money.
True story. After a wonderful day, I'm driving my girlfriend home in my '91 Escort GT. She asked me what was I thinking about. I answered "what would it take to shoe horn a Ford 302 into this car".
It stopped being a wonderful day.
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I guess I've got to eat a little crow.
1978 was the last year for the Gremlin name, after that that chassis was know as a Spirit.
And I thought I was a AMC expert.
I am only an egg.

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