Groundhog Thread Part Deux - P-39 Fantasy and Fetish - The Never Ending Story (Mods take no responsibility for head against wall injuries sustained)

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According to Greg's W&B calculator, if you removed all armor and guns and gunsight (what use is the gunsight without guns, right?) The weight comes down to 5,684 empty, 6,489 with fuel and oil
There are so many P-39 threads that I simply can't keep up. I think I'm suffering from a kind of mania where I can't stop myself from checking in the vain hope that there's actually some new material or perspectives. I'm almost always disappointed.

And I am getting sick and tired of every thread being hijacked because of a P-39 fetish.
Also they no longer needed them since the BoB was over and there would be no German invasion. And this was a cash contract not under lend-lease so they didn't want to pay for them.

Since the Airacobra I didn't even start flight testing until April 1941 in the USA, I'm not sure how the BoB was relevant to the decision to keep or not keep the ordered aircraft.

From Airacobra I for RAF, P-400

One wonders if the IFF set behind the pilot impaired rear view, why would the AAF or Russians put a radio set there?

Who made that decision? The British, the Americans, or was it a mutual decision?

Now, British P-39s had the 4 0.303" lmgs in the wings, which added weight, but they also had the lighter 20mm Hispano in the nose. I don't know the weights of these various things, so how much extra/less weight did the Airacobra I have in guns and ammo vs the P-39C, on which it was based?

Baugher does not mention that there was any additional armour in the Airacobra I.
According to Greg's W&B calculator, if you removed all armor and guns and gunsight (what use is the gunsight without guns, right?) The weight comes down to 5,684 empty, 6,489 with fuel and oil

It is not surprising that the performance estimates of the P-39 at 5,500lb was not reflected in reality!

And from Baugher's site again:

Then I conclude that it was noted early on that the P-39 had CoG issues and the weight to solve the issue was added as armour.
The XFL didn't have the 37mm (though it could) but instead, either a 20mm or .50MG and interestingly enough, it was a conventional gear layout (tail dragger) as the nose-gear was eliminated.
So there was all sorts of CoG shuffling going on.

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