Groundhog Thread v. 2.0 - The most important battle of WW2

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9 mil germen army was fighting on 2 fronts, and its no wouner thet america "won" the war.theyer mainland was not attacked, they had a huge amount of man and equpmint thet use as cannon fodders to swarm the germens, and the US 8th airforce and bomber command bombed germany back to the stone age.


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Lightning Guy said:
Again, I think selecting one battle is virtually impossible as very compelling arguments can be made for the BoB, Pearl Harbor, Midway, Stalingrad and numerous others.

I quite agree with this, but it's interesting to see the points of view of so many different people.

Its not the worst insult in the world but its still an insult...

Why will it be interesting lanc?
the lancaster kicks ass said:
sorry but i hate it when the americans take credit for our achivements............
your not alone,


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Well the Yanks have invented a lot of good things over the years but sometimes they do try and take credit for things they didnt do.
You can be a tad too patriotic sometimes though.
cheddar cheese said:
Well the Yanks have invented a lot of good things over the years but sometimes they do try and take credit for things they didnt do.

Yeah... Like the Canadian Army in Holland in 44/45. They completly forgot we were there when, in fact, WE were asked to go there by the exiled Dutch government THEMSELF.

According to a Royal 22nd Regiment veteran of D-Day (who also fought in Holland), Canada and Holland had a long "friendly history". And he told us a little story...

When the Queen of Holland (who was pregnant) came here a while back (I think it was well before WW II), she had to give birth during her trip. Like, in Holland, a prince/princess can't be crowned if he/she is born outside of Dutch territory, the Canadian government decided that the Queen's room in the hospital would become a Dutch territory until she gave birth and left the hospital. Then the room came back as a Canadian territory.

No I'm not. I'm pointing out that it took more than just P-38's or just the Free French. But it took Rosie the Riveter as well. It's also a fact that it took the resouces and manufacturing and man power of the US to win that war. I'm not saying this to wave the flag or most emphaticaly not to diminish any other nations contribution in the war. I'm NOT sure that the US could have done it on her own, neither could it have been won without the US and maybe not then without the unification brought on by PH. The victory we had would have been a lot less likely had PH not brought the entire country to one focus. Beyond that one point there were many, many important battels that were far more important than PH as a win/loss. It took everyone to win WWII.
Lightning Guy said:
I hope that Lanc isn't giving America the "cradid" for screwing up the English language

Yeah, the American spellings do tend to make more sense.
But I shall continue to champion the "u", "gh", and all the useless silent letters because that's just how I was taught to spell, damn it!
('O Canada' begins to play, followed by 'God Save the Queen')

Sorry, that was all rather pointless. Please carry on.

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