That's BS Udet.
Sure the German's beat the Brits when they had at least equivalent logistics, air superiorty, tank support, or all of these factors in their favor. But that was not going to be the case for Seelowe. The German army on the beaches would only have had light arms, no vehicles of any kind, and extemely limited logistical support if any. They'd have come ashore after 30 hours of sitting in barges, which means most of them would be very sick from the get-go. They'd have been scattered along the shoreline at night with no communciations and no officer core to lead them.
And that's the ones who made it to shore. Most would not have. Most would have drowned in the channel. To prevail the Germans would have had to get at the very least a few hundred thousand men onshore within the first two weeks, and to do this, they'd have suffered at least twice that number of losses, probably more, and Britain would still need to be conquered. This would have pretty much taken the heart out of Germany's ability to fight elsewhere for at least a couple of years.
German success was based upon superior mechanization, superior logistical support, superior command and control, and air-superiority. They lacked all of these things for Seelowe.
Sure the German's beat the Brits when they had at least equivalent logistics, air superiorty, tank support, or all of these factors in their favor. But that was not going to be the case for Seelowe. The German army on the beaches would only have had light arms, no vehicles of any kind, and extemely limited logistical support if any. They'd have come ashore after 30 hours of sitting in barges, which means most of them would be very sick from the get-go. They'd have been scattered along the shoreline at night with no communciations and no officer core to lead them.
And that's the ones who made it to shore. Most would not have. Most would have drowned in the channel. To prevail the Germans would have had to get at the very least a few hundred thousand men onshore within the first two weeks, and to do this, they'd have suffered at least twice that number of losses, probably more, and Britain would still need to be conquered. This would have pretty much taken the heart out of Germany's ability to fight elsewhere for at least a couple of years.
German success was based upon superior mechanization, superior logistical support, superior command and control, and air-superiority. They lacked all of these things for Seelowe.