Wow, have you read any of them or just parsed them for the quotes you need.I think that I may say that I know more than anyone here about the role,situation and importance of the German railways and water ways during WW2 . I have in my possession
The Collapse of the German War economy 1944-1945 ( Mierzejewski )
Die Reichsbahn im Ostfeldzug (Pottgiesser )
Die Eisenbahnen im Zeiten Weltkrieg (Kreidler )
About the water ways :
ONE example (From Mierzejewski)
In 1940/1941 Germany produced 485 million ton of hard and brown coal,of which 34 million ton were transported by inland waterways (rivers and canals ).There was a fleet of 19000 ships sailing in the water ways with a tonnage of 8,2 million ton, This fleet transported in 1943 82 million ton of freight (37 % was coal ) and Berlin was the biggest harbor and handled 13,5 million ton of freight .
The railways consumed 32 million ton of hard coal .