Grumman Goose

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1st Lieutenant
May 30, 2011
Cape Canaveral
Here's something you don't see every day, a Grumman Goose in USCG colors. I am going to have to build that Lindberg kit I have.

Nice. I saw one of these operated by Sea Bee Air in New Zealand land in the Bay of Islands & come ashore at the Paihia terminal, ie taxi up the beach & swing around on a pad off the carpark. Cool aircraft with a great sound. Unfortunately many years pre cell phone & no camera with me, was on the job at the time, so I can't put up a vid. One on youtube though .
At one time that same airfield had some stripped out Grumman HU-16 Albatross sitting around. I was surprised to read that the USAF actually had a lot more of those aircraft than did the USN.
I flew while in the USCG in HU-16, out of Salem, MA, USCG AIRSTA SALEM, Winter Island, on TDY assignment for three months, doing International Ice Patrols. Acted as Radioman/Navigator. Loved the aircraft. I am getting ready to build the Goose in PRE WWII colors of Aluminum/Yellow-Orange, with correct markings. Currently building USCG Version of the CHICKASAW. Helo.
Welcome aboard COASTIE. My youngest son in law is a coastie in Mobile. He originally had just planned one enlistment, but has decided to go til retirement.
Welcome aboard COASTIE. My youngest son in law is a coastie in Mobile. He originally had just planned one enlistment, but has decided to go til retirement.
Thank you. At end of my enlistment I was offered CG OCS if I re-enlist, instead CIA offered me full Captain but civilian, took it, but in many respects whish I stayed with Guard. My last assignment before retirement from US Customs and Border Protection I was the person at CBP who was in charge of the USCG Coastal Watch Program for DHS. LOVE THE GUARD.
Both color USCG JRF-5G Goose photos were taken by the late William T. Larkins at Coast Guard Air Station San Francisco in the 1950s.
FYI...Most of the remaining Coast Guard's JRF-2/3s were disposed of shortly after the end of World War II while many of the JRF-5Gs remained in service with the Coast Guard until at least 1956. This aircraft at Hull Number 4792 was from SF AIRSTA, decommission 1954, restored to PRE-WWII color scheme, aluminum, and Yellow-Orange, referred to as Camel Yellow. Presented to a museum, sorry don't know which one. Comes from the USCG Historian's Office.

OH, one other thing, ALL GOOSE were painted Navy BLUE during WWII. Once war was over, back to Aluminum but NO Camel Yellow wing tops, just a strip on tail section and different locations for insignias . They also had capability to carry two 500lb depth charges under wings. Lost one in Alaska due to weather which was finally found several years ago. GOOSE went bye bye as the HU-16 and the Martin PB-5M took the primary float plane duties, the Martin PB-5 also went away early 1960's, and last HU-16 was decommissioned, the one I was assigned in 1970, number 7250, made its final landing on 10 March 1983, at Coast Guard Air Station Cape Cod, last one.
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