Günther Rall Me 109G-2

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Oct 6, 2010
any good clear pics you gentleman can provide would be
greatly appreciated. colour photo's would be awesome.
around the summer/fall 1942. thanks in advance!
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Don't know about any high quality photos, but there's always beautiful artwork of Claes Sundin...


Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-2 flown by Oberleutnant Günther Rall, 8./JG 52, Soldatskaya, Soviet Union, 29 September 1942

Oberleutnant Rall flew his first mission with "Black 13" on 31 August 1942, and from mid-September 1942 it was his regular aircraft. Between 16 September and 6 October 1942, all Rall's 35 combat missions were flown with "Black 13", and during this period he increased his victory score from 76 to 91. Rall flew "Black 13" in action as late as mid-January 1943, after which he changed to regularly flying "Black 1". All according to Rall's logbook.
that pic I do have. his site is pretty good. I just see so many different colour dipictions of black 13 its mind boggling lol. just trying to determine whats the correct shades. and I know that even colour photos are not the most accurate do to age, but I was hoping somebody had 1 or 2 reasonable ones.

Aha, I understand. So far, I only managed to find this one picture. Not much of the aircraft is visible I'm afraid, apart from some details on fuselage mottling around the cockpit...


  • Copy of Classic Publications Jagdwaffe Vol 3 Sect 4 - War in Russia - Jan-Oct 1942_Page_87.jpg
    Copy of Classic Publications Jagdwaffe Vol 3 Sect 4 - War in Russia - Jan-Oct 1942_Page_87.jpg
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  • Rall-01.jpg
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  • Rall-02.jpg
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  • Rall-03.jpg
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  • Rall-04.jpg
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thanks, thats another confirmed colour at least.
correct me if I'm wrong but is it this colour your
refering too?

No, that looks more like the 74 or 75. Look at the profile in Post 2 which is very good. RLM 76 is underneath the wings and is the base coat on the fuselage sides underneath the sprayed blotches. The blotches look to be both 74 and 75, judging from the photos in post 5.
P-40K-5, approximately as follows:

More precisely, according to a black and white photographs of the spots on the sides, hard to say. Variants are possible. So it is with the hood.
Sorry for my bad English


  • qqq.jpg
    54.7 KB · Views: 667
The spotted nature of the fuselage camo leads one to believe it came from the Erla factory.

erla painted their 109s with the standard pattern post august 41 but with a 'saw toothed' demarcation





WNF and Mtt Regensburg had different styles of fuselage camouflage and can be ruled out
thanks guys for the additional pics information. much apprciated.
another question is you don't mind..

General Rall also flew an Me 109G-6 without the wing cannons. this aircraft
I have found a total of zero actual photo's of it. anybody have any? I've
seen plastic models of it but the accuracy is questionable. thanks!

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