Hair Elastics as Oxygen Tubes

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Robert Porter

Senior Master Sergeant
My wife has thousands of these little elastics she uses to hold her hair up. I seem to recall reading that when unravelled they make a very convincing oxygen line. I would assume once stiffened with CA glue. Has anyone tried this particular technique?
Sounds like a good idea - but a bit expensive if I have to get another wife !

I've used the methods described by Geo and Andy in the past, and recently found these, from MDC.
Thy're available in various sizes, s shown, and work quite well.

Agreed. Do they holed their shape when bent or are the springy? Guitar string stays bent but is a real bugger to get it there.
I have been practicing and had to build a little jig with a board and some coffee stirrers to shape it. Stapled each end to the board then put CA glue all over it. Not heavy just 100% coverage. Going to sand a little and paint and will post pics however it comes out.
I take long pieces of thin copper wire and wind it around another piece of thin wire. It ends up looking a lot like Andy's guitar wire but bends to shape easy and stays there.
I take long pieces of thin copper wire and wind it around another piece of thin wire. It ends up looking a lot like Andy's guitar wire but bends to shape easy and stays there.
After you guys started talking about wire I realized I have a spool of very thin lead wire I used in a project years ago, if I can find it I am going to try that as well, it should be very positional.
For an architectural model I helped my son complete (read did his project with/for him) years ago, we needed to make what would look like corrugated pipe. We used the lead wire around a small rod of lead to do that. We found the trick was to literally feed the wrapping wire between two fingers on one hand and rotate the the rod and slowly move the feed hand along the rod. It resulted in a nice tight winding that look very good but it did take awhile to develop the knack of exactly how to hold the two.
Andy, the MDC hoses are made from a rubbery vinyl type material. They bend easily and, so far, I've been able to hold a curve by attaching one end with a small spot of CA, creating the curve, with another small spot of CA at the apex, and then again at the opposite end.

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