Scratch built Oxygen bottles?

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The current Revell kit is the same one, but with (possibly) better decals, and retails for around £14 to £16 in the UK. And the box art is beautiful!
It's available at Hannant's, Model Hobbies and The Avaition Hobby Shop, plus most retailers and other outlets in the UK. It should be the same in the USA, and I'd guess at around $20 to $25.
My B-26 will be yet another 13.....8)


  • B-26 Reddy Teddy.jpg
    B-26 Reddy Teddy.jpg
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  • B-26 Reddy Teddy Port Side.JPG
    B-26 Reddy Teddy Port Side.JPG
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  • B-26 Reddy Teddy Starboard Side.JPG
    B-26 Reddy Teddy Starboard Side.JPG
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Yea, that's what I did... I forced thinner down the tube with a copper wire and viola!

But no more using of thinner.... I need it for the final spraying and I am VERY VERY low..
Harrison, if you're getting air and not paint, it normally means tha airbrush needs cleaning, which you've found out! ALWAYS clean it thoroughly, as previously discussed, IMMEDIATELY after use. Failure to do this will lead to sticking and corrosion of the internal and working parts, and eventually render the 'brush useless. An airbrush is a precision intstrument, and should be handled and looked after as such.
Also, this might be a sign of incorrect thinning ratio, and/or paint mixing at the start. This can quickly lead to build-up of the pigments, causing clogging.
BTW never use wire or anything similar anywhere near the nozzle, needle or jet - it will damage the 'brush, causing it to splatter, 'blob' or spray at an angle, and this is irepairable.
Try to obtain a larger quantity of thinner, from other, less expensive sources as discussed elsewhere, as this is as important, if not more so, than the paint itself. Thinner is used not only for the paint, but probably four times as much for cleaning and preparation - it's a good practice to spray a little thinner through the 'brush, exercising the needle at the same time, just before loading and spraying the paint. This will clear any tiny dried 'hard patches', and lubricate the needle and jet ready for use.
I will probably go out to the store tomorrow and buy like a gallon. I only stuck wire down the tube to make sure the tube itself wasn't clogged. I'll wait till more thinner to spray anything else.

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