Hasegawa 1:48 Mitsubishi A6M5 Zero (Captured Pt.2)

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Thanks guys. Main painting complete with a few touch-ups around the canopy area. Couldn't achieve the look I was going after around the moving surfaces due to AB issue; it started developing spitting issues. Not really sure of the problem. After few minutes I noticed that the air pressure was only at about 14psi with a 2:1 Tamiya mix. I cranked it up to about 18psi and this seemed to solve most but not all of the spitting. Might be a tip problem? I've used this particular Aztek tip for quite a while so it may needs replaced. Luckily when I replace one I have a back-up ready. I'm going to soak the tip in cleaner, test drive it and then make the call. Anyhoo......


I did manage to get the look I was after with the cowling
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Very nice. If cleaning the nozzle doesn't work, it could be a damaged nozzle or needle. Not possible to fix a cracked or bent nozzle but a hooked needle might be fixable by pulling it gently back to front over a very fine sanding pad while twirling it between your fingers.

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