It's been a while, but when things start to go wrong I like to put things aside for a while until I feel confident I can tackle the issue(s) without creating a total catastrophe, and in this case I was blowing through both IP decals without close to a decent appearance so back in the box it went.
I did pull it out occasionally and do a few things, here and there but nothing significant, mainly some carving on the seat cushions and a bit of painting

So anyway, after managing to stick some stickers on a Spitfire project without any seriously notable events I figured it was about time to get off the pot and have another go at it
And here it is in all it's resplendent glory being a mix of Mike Grant and any kit decals I managed to salvage, as many of them broke up despite being coated with MicroScale decal film
oh, and clumsy me managed to snap the control column in half while adding a few nobbies, go figure, and none of which were lost in space and all of which are solidly fixed in place so I guess that's a good thing......
So then it was time to pull out the new toy, got the first one done, could be better but then it's a learning curve
Of course when it came to the second one, after I got the fiddly bits tinned the "strap" decided to ping off into I decided to just forgo the strap and attach the peddle with out it. But a twisted twist of fate as I was cleaning up the mess the fiddly bit returned from orbit and landed in the middle of the how good is that...... Mind you it did create the minor inconvenience of having to rip things apart and dig everything out agian but Hey Ho......
And then there is the engine wiring, not that a lot can be seen but enough that it absence might not go unnoticed if one is looking for it. Eduard do supply it on there etch, BUT, the problem is that on this particular engine the wires appear just behind the pushrods rather then being in a harness around the crankcase. After playing around with some wire with not a lot of success I settled on some .010 plastic rod which works well enough and should look ok with a thick coat of paint.
As always comments and criticisms welcome