Some more.....
Maj Martin Möbus, I/StG-1, Stfkpt 3/StG-2, Kdr II/StG-2 (6/43), Kdr I/SG-5 (10/43) Ju 87D in II/StG-2; Ju 87B, R D in SG-5.
800 missions. Destroyed more than 60 tanks, 5 armored trains, numerous bridges, 1 cruiser, 1 tanker and 14000BRT of enemy shipping. Died 2 June, 1944 in an automobile accident near Pori Finland. Buried at Rovaniemi. One of the first four Stuka pilots to be awarded the RK.
Lt Wilhelm Noller, 2/StG-2, 7/SG-10 Ju 87.
POW in 1945, but managed to escape. 1058 missions including 34 in the Fw 190. Destroyed 86 tanks, 2 armored trains, 2 ships and 5 bridges. Shot down once, but managed to bail out successfully. Wounded once.
Oblt Rainer Nossek, I/StG-2, 4/SG-2, 10(Pz)/SG-3, 3(Pz)/SG-9 Ju 87G-1 (lost KIA).
KIA 30 April, 1945 during landing approach at Sülte near Schwerin, when he was jumped by Spitfires, and shot down. Hptm Kuffner shot down the same way, and Oblt Bromen seriously wounded. 800 missions, all in the East. Approximately 73 tanks destroyed.
Hptm Friedrich Platzer, I/StG-168, I/StG-76, I/StG-3, 3/StG-2 Ju 87 (lost KIFA).
KIFA 16 March, 1942 making an emergency landing near Dovorez (Lake Ilmen), when his AC ran into a ditch and ground looped, killing Platzer. Known for his heroic rescues of downed aircrews from behind enemy lines. 387 missions, 227 in the East. Destroyed four supply ships; damaged one battleship, one cruiser and two destroyers. In addition, he was credited with destroying 6 tanks.
Hptm Hubert Pölz, 6/StG-2, Stafkpt 6/StG-3, Stafkpt 7/SG-3 (9/44 S.U.), Kdr I/SG-151 (4/45 Groove DK)) Ju 87D-3 Wk# 2999 (lost 4/43), Fw 190; Fw 190F G and Ju 87 D G in SG-151.
1055 combat missions including 351 in the Fw 190 achieving his 11 victories. His first known victory, a Soviet LaGG-5 on 5 September, 1944. A 2nd, a Yak-9 on 17 September, 1944. A 3rd, a P-39 on 13 October, 1944. Nos. 4 5, both P-39's on 27 October, 1944. A 6th, a Yak-9 on 30 October, 1944. Shot down 4 times with one bail out, wounded three times. One such incident, on 3 April, 1943, he bailed after being shot down by fighters over Libya, bailing with wounds from Wk# 2999. His R/O-Gunner, Uffz Sepp Jourez, shot and killed in his chute. 76 tanks destroyed. Numerous shipping tonnage sunk in the Mediterranean and in the Black Sea.
Hptm Franz Roka, 6/StG-2, 4/StG-1, Stfkpt 6/StG-1 Ju 87 (lost MIA).
MIA 21 October, 1943 returning from a mission when he was forced down to engine failure north of the road between Rudnya and Chebotowichi. He and his rear gunner, Fw Koller, were captured by guerillas in the village of Ssmichek, missing since then. Channel pilot. 515 missions destroying 50 tanks, 5 bridges and one armored train. One known victory, a Soviet LaGG-3 in the Schakroj Region on 10 May, 1943.
Hptm Otto Schmidt, II/StG-2 (9/39 Stolp-Reitz), III/StG-77, Stfkpt 7/StG-77, Stfkpt 2/SG-5, III/SG-77, Gen Staff Ju 87B.
At wars end, a British POW, released in the Fall of 1947. 555 missions destroying 61 tanks, several supply ships and a Soviet submarine in the Black Sea.
Oblt Gustav Schubert, I/StG-1, 9/StG-1, Stfkpt 9/SG-1 Ju 87, Fw 190F G (lost KIA).
KIA 21 January, 1945 near Kroschin, east of Hohensalza, while attacking Soviet tanks. His Fw 190 took a direct flak hit and burned on impact. 1100+ missions. Destroyed more than 70 tanks, 2 bridges and 2 gunboats.
Hptm Hendrik Stahl, 8/StG-2, Stfkpt 8/StG-2 Ju 87.
1200+ missions. Destroyed over 100 Soviet tanks, 4 supply bridges, 2 railway engines, 1 ammunition train, and 25 flak positions. His permanent R/O, Ofw Georg Pöthig, was instrumental in achieving these successes, and was awarded the RK on 5 September, 1944, after more than 800 missions.
Hptm Ernst-Siegfried Steen, 1/StG-2, Stfkpt 1/StG-2 (9/41), Kdr III/StG-2 (9/41) Ju 87B (lost KIA).
KIA 23 September, 1941 on his 301st mission, together with Rudel's R/O, Uzzf Alfred Scharnovski, who had flown with him. During a diving attack on the cruiser Kirov, his AC received a direct flak hit , damaging the elevator. Steen tried to dive into the cruiser, but barely missed it, damaging the ship by the 1000 kg bomb released just before impacting. Led "Marat" attack on 16 September, 1941. Channel pilot.
Hptm Hans Steinwachs, 4/StG-1(2/41), Stfkpt 4/SG-1(re-named in Fall, 1943 to 9/44), Stfkpt in II/SG-1, Kdr II/SG-151(9/44) Ju 87, Fw 190E-8(most likely); Ju 87G in SG-151, Fw 190F-8 Werk # 588683 "KL + LV" (lost MIA).
MIA 14 February, 1945, failing to return with his Fw 190F-8 from a mission in the Gladis-Gorpe bridgehead, near Naumburg/Bober. Was last seen attacking heavily defended enemy columns in about 800 meters altitude, when he was hit by flak. Flew his 500th mission in October, 1943. 600+ missions, Promoted to Hptm on 1 January, 1944. 31 tanks destroyed, with the Ju 87.
Hptm Willi Viertel, 2(St)/TrGr-186 Carrier Trng Gruppe, III/StG-1, Stfkpt 7/StG-1 Ju 87 (lost KIA).
KIA 31 August, 1943 in an attack on Soviet tanks near Glukhov Russia, receiving a flak hit at 300 meters altitude, the AC burning on impact. Channel pilot. 603 missions destroying 24 tanks, 3 bridges and 17 vessels of various sizes on Lake Ladoga.
Oblt Hartmut Vogt, 10(Pz)/SG-3, 10(Pz)/SG-77 Ju 87.
125 tanks destroyed, 41 with the "cannon AC". Second highest tankbuster, second only to Hans Rudel.
Ofw Alois Wosnitza, 2/StG-77, 6/SG-77 (Kurland), 5/SG-102, SG-103, SG-10 Ju 87, Fw 190F.
Survived 5 years of war! 1217 missions including 150 in the Fw 190. Shot down with wounds on his last mission of the war, 15 April, 1945. Destroyed 104 tanks, 2 armored trains, 12 bridges, 1 freighter, 1 troop transport, and several landing craft. Nominated for the Oak Leaves.
Hptm Bernhard "Fuchs" Wutka, 2(H)/13, III/StG-2, Stfkpt 8/StG-2 Ju 87 (lost KIA).
KIA 8 July 1943 during an attack on tanks 2 km east of Verkhnopenye Russia, the AC receiving a direct flak hit and exploding in mid-air. 600 missions destroying 40 tanks, two armored trains and three supply trains.