Hawker Hurricane sub collection - current project

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Hi guys

Many thanks for your comments.

Madre de Dios!
We have made another Mosquito since that series was finished. It is an Aussie one finished in Overall Foliage green.

Your taillesss/canard planes are extraordinary. Clearly more than a case of whacking a kit together!
Yes. My father spent a lot of time doing that series. Many models were made in scratch.


My father has finished another Hurricane. In this case the Hurricane Mk IIA Z2415 – Boscombe Down – February 1942.
It was the first installation of rocket projectiles for flight trials by a Hurricane. The rather crude arrangement involved only six rockets rails.

Great work mate! Impressive collection. One of my next builds will be a Royal Yugoslav hurricane...

Nice! I have recently finished Hurricane Mk II of No 351 Sqn with partisan markings. It was my entry in the MTO GB.

Santiago, what can I say. Excellent and above all impressive collection. Great work mate.
Many thanks guys for your comments

I have recently finished Hurricane Mk II of No 351 Sqn with partisan markings. It was my entry in the MTO GB.
Really, that is great. We have just also finished one of this. See below. Have you post photos of your model?.

My father has finished the lastest batch of 4 Hurricane.

1) Hurricane Mk IIC AK/U BE643 – 213 Sqn - Egipto, Idku – Abril 1942 – (Flew by the Anglo Argentine pilot F/L Dudley Honor DFC).
2) Hurricane Mk IIC Y HL850 – 417 RCAF Sqn - Egipto Idku - Nov 1942 - (Flew by the Anglo Argentine pilot Oficial Bernardo De Larminat).
3) Hurricane Mk IIC A LD116 - 351 (Yug) Sqn RAF – Libya - Verano 1944 (thanks to Dragan for sending us the info).
4) Hurricane Mk IIC X KW935 – 11 Sqn – Cholavram

I don't have the individual pictures yet but here are two photos of them.

Hello again

The new batch of Hurricane is done.

These are the last models done during this year.

55) Hurricane Mk IIC AK/U BE643 – 213 Sqn - Egypt, Idku – April 1942 – (Flew by the Anglo Argentine pilot F/L Dudley Honor DFC).
Reference: Claudio Meunier and his book Wings of thunder.

56) Hurricane Mk IIC Y HL850 – 417 RCAF Sqn - Egypt Idku - Nov 1942 - (Volado por el piloto Argentino Oficial Bernardo De Larminat).
Two cannons were removed in order to increase the performance with the objective to shot down a Ju88 which flew every day at Alexandria taking photos of the arriving supplies.
Reference: Claudio Meunier and his book Wings of thunder.

57) Hurricane Mk IIC A LD116 - 351 (Yug) Sqn RAF – Libya - Verano 1944
Thanks to Dragan (lift here decals) for the photos and information.

58) Hurricane Mk IIC X KW935 – 11 Sqn – Cholavram
As per the photo of this aircraft, we believe that the original roundels on the upper side of the wing (type B) were not covered nor painted when the 16" SEAC roundels were applied. The tone of the blue (of the Type B roundel) appears just a bit darker than the inside roundel of the SEAC marking (4 part of white and 1 part of white). My father tried to represent a very fade and weathered blue-grey. Apparently did not happen the same with the original fuselage roundel which was repainted completely. (Of course we should have done the same with the painting but we make our models without weathering).
Thanks to Nick Dixon for the photo.

This is a list of all the Hurricane done so far (58)
Hurricane Mk I Prototype
Hurricane Mk I L1551 111 Northolt, UK July 1938
Hurricane Mk I L1584 111 Circa July 1938
Hurricane Mk I L1599 56 Circa Late 1938
Hurricane Mk I L1669 Martlesham Heath prior to its depatch to Khartoum may-39
Hurricane Mk I L1711 1 SAAF Waterkloof Air Station 07/03/1939 SAAF
Hurricane Mk I L1750 A&AAE 24/05/1939
Hurricane Mk I Pabby III 73 Rouvres, France Early 1940
Hurricane Mk I L1800 LR/R 56 North Weald Mid 1939
Hurricane Mk I L2006 Y Group Pilot Pool, Sutton Bridge 1939
Hurricane Mk I L2047 LK/H 87 Lille-Seclin, France 14732
Hurricane Mk I P2632 PO/X 46 Embarcados en el HMS Gloriosus 14732
Hurricane Mk I P2798 LK/A 87 Colerne, Circa December 1940
Hurricane Mk I P2992 P 527 Calibration Sqdn Horn Church 1943
Hurricane Mk I P3221 SO/K 145 Westhampnett August 1940
Hurricane Mk I P3549 MF X 57 59 OTU RAF Crosby Eden April 1942 Pilot Officer Bernardo de Laminat
Hurricane Mk I P3576 GN/A 249 Boscombe Down August 1940
Hurricane Mk I P3818 3 Benina, 15036
Hurricane Mk I V6665 RF/J 303 Northolt, UK August 1940
Hurricane Mk I V6864 DT/A 257 North Weald Winter 1940/1941
Hurricane Mk I V7101 69 Luqa, Malta May/june 1941
Hurricane Mk I V7476 1 (APU) Laverton 1944
Hurricane Mk I V7476 Point Cook 1946
Hurricane Mk I W9266 274 Maleme, Creta 25/05/1941 F/L Dudley Honor DFC.
Hurricane Mk I Z4769 3 Takoradi August 1941
Hurricane Mk I HILLSON SLIP WING F.H. 40 (P) ---- Boscombe Down April 1943
Hurricane Mk I ¿¿?? Fuka, Egypt 01/05/1941
Hurricane Mk I 1380 RA-S 128 RCAF Dartmouth, Nova Scotia June / July 1942
Hurricane Mk X AG244 Central Flying School, RRAF, Based at Norton Air Base, Rhodesia 1945
Hurricane Mk IIA V7480 Flight Refuelling ltd facility at Staverton 25/04/1905
Hurricane Mk IIA Z2326 A&AEE September 1941
Hurricane Mk IIA Z2415 A&AEE 01/02/1942
Hurricane Mk IIA Z2515 A&AEE Early 1941
Hurricane Mk IIA Z2697 56 North Weald 11/05/1941
Hurricane Mk IIA Z2767 US/W 56 Duxford 26/05/1941
Hurricane Mk IIA Z4575 K 1423 Reykjavik 1941
Hurricane Mk IIA ¿¿?? Cyrenaica, North Africa 1941
Hurricane Mk IIB Z3687 Farnborought RAE 29/04/1905
Hurricane Mk IIB Z3353 SAM Night Figther Unit Wittering
Hurricane Mk IIB Z3451 A&AEE August 1941
Hurricane Mk IIB BD699 GU 36 134 Vajenga September 1941
Hurricane Mk IIB BD930 FG/Sigma 335 (Greek) El Alamein November 1942
Hurricane Mk IIB BE171 YB/B 17 Mingaladon, Burma January 1942
Hurricane Mk IIB BE198 28 Cox's Bazaar, India July 1943
Hurricane Mk IIB BE485 AE/N 402 Warmwell 1942
Hurricane Mk IIB BG727 Night Figther Unit Malta June 1941
Hurricane Mk IIB BH279 128 Hastings, Sierra Leona 1942
Hurricane Mk IIB BN114 A&AEE March 1942
Hurricane Mk IIB 5265 GL-26 1 OTU SAAF Port Elizabeth, South Africa 1944
Hurricane Mk IIB ???? WR-X 40 SAAF San Angelo, Italy 04/03/1944
Hurricane Mk XII 5404 O 135 135 SQUADRON RCAF Patricia Bay, British Columbia, Canada August 1943
Hurricane Mk XII 5624 Rockcliffe 1943
Hurricane Mk XII 5405 O 135 Patricia Bay (RCAF) 15932
Hurricane Mk XII 5495 S 125 RCAF Torbay, Newfoundland Nov 1942 - Dec 1943
Hurricane Mk IIC BE643 AK/U 213 Egypt, Idku April 1942 F/L Dudley Honor DFC.
Hurricane Mk IIC HL850 Y 417 Egypt, Idku November 1942 Pilot Officer Bernardo De Larminat
Hurricane Mk IIC LD116 A 351 (Yug) Sqn RAF Libya Summer 1944
Hurricane Mk IIC KW935 X 11 Cholavram

And the ones which remains to be done (46)
Hurricane Mk I P2638 208
Hurricane Mk I 257 DODO 151 OTU Ambala, India 1945
Hurricane Mk IIB AP894 C 135 Yelahanka, India (East Bengal) March-May 1943
Hurricane Mk IIB BH125 U 3 PRU Agartala, India November 1942
Hurricane Mk IIB BM936 F 136 Burma 1943 Pilot Officer Ian "Ñaña" Adamson
Hurricane Mk IIB BM969 3 PRU Agartala, India November 1942
Hurricane Mk IIB BD888 AX-H 1 SAAF November 1941
Hurricane Mk XII 5686 20 1 OTU Bagotville (RCAF) 1943
Hurricane Mk XII 1365 1 OTU Bagotville (RCAF) 1943
Hurricane Mk IIC Z2905 (P) A&AEE February 1942
Hurricane Mk IIC Z3092 /G A&AEE November 1942
Hurricane Mk IIC BD867 QO-Y 3 Hunsdon September 1941
Hurricane Mk IIC BD936 ZY-S 247 Exter 1942
Hurricane Mk IIC DG630 208 Kabril, Egypt 1942
Hurricane Mk IIC HL864 LK-? 87 Charmy Down September 1942
Hurricane Mk IIC LD598 R 113 April 1945
Hurricane Mk IIC LD903 N No 10 Sqn IAF Kyaukpyu, Burma April 1945
Hurricane Mk IIC KZ371 R No 10 Sqn IAF Kyaukpyu, Burma April 1945
Hurricane Mk IIC LF264 MU-L 60 Burma 1944 Sqn Leader Richard (suertudo) Lindsell DFC, RCAFVR, OC
Hurricane Mk IIC LF380 FI-D 83 Peplow June 1944
Hurricane Mk IIC LE787 India 1944-45
Hurricane Mk IIC MW339 DR-H 1555 Northolt (ADLS: Air Depach Letter Service) Mid 1944
Hurricane Mk IIC PZ865 Langley 1944
Hurricane Mk IIC Met 50/X 521 Docking September 1944
Hurricane Mk IIC 5307 DB-H 11 OTU SAAF Port Elizabeth, South Africa 1944
Hurricane Mk IIC 5336 11 OTU SAAF Waterlooof 1946
Huricane Mk IID BP188 JV-Z 6 Egyptian desert Mid 1942
Huricane Mk IID KX413 FJ-M 164 Middle Wallop Summer 1943 F/S "Dickie" Wilson RAFVR.
Huricane Mk IV BP173 Boscombe Down August 1942
Huricane Mk IV KX540 FJ-B 164 Manston September 1943 Flg Off Ronald Sheward
Huricane Mk IV KZ188 C 6 Prkos, Yugoslavia April/May 1945
Huricane Mk IV KZ706 A&AEE Boscombe Down 1944/45
Huricane Mk IV KZ944 S 34 Melktila, Burma July 1945
Huricane Mk IV LD975 O 351 (Yug) Sqn RAF Prkos, Yugoslavia 01/05/1945
Huricane Mk V KZ193 Boscombe Down 03/11/1943
Hurricane Mk Ia V6756 Empire Tide Late 1941
Hurricane Mk Ia V7504 LU/M MSFU Bedford Basin, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Sea Hurricane Mk Ib W9219 880
Sea Hurricane Mk Ib Z4550 G 800 HMS Indomitable August 1942
Sea Hurricane Mk Ib Z7153 F 801 HMS Eagle August 1942
Sea Hurricane Mk Ic V6741
Sea Hurricane Mk XII JS327 800 HMS Biter November 1942
Sea Hurricane Mk XIIA BW850 BV-T 126 DARTMOUTH, NOVA SCOTIA, CANADA 25/04/1905
Sea Hurricane Mk XIIC NF728 K1-F 768 Inskyp December 1944
Sea Hurricane Mk XIIC Aboard HMS Nairana
Sea Hurricane Mk XIIC Aboard HMS Nairana

Plus two or three more which will sure appears.

Many thanks for your comments guys.

Woow. imalko
You have made a lovely model. I have never seen one of this before. I am happy now knowing that our LD116 is not the only one.

Hi Heinz
Nice Hurri. Very well finished.
We will do this one in the future among with another Mk IID flew by an Anglo Argentine pilot.

Thanks for the compliments Santiago.
Looking at your list of done and to be done Hurricane models one can only acknowledge how huge undertaking this is. It will be remarkable collection...no, not will be but it already is.
Have I missed it while looking at the list or do you lack a model of Royal Yugoslav Hurricane there?

Hi Igor

Your welcome and many many thanks.
Yes, we have not include a model of the Royal Yugoslav Hurricane.

All the models we have done and will be done belong to our aim (collection) which is to model all the aircraft types that flew with the Royal Air Force, the Fleet Air Arm and all the Commonwealth in the time frame between 1936 and 1947, in all major versions. And to include also Lend-Lease and captured enemy types.

I know that it may sound too much but we believe that it can be done. We already made 460 models and more than 700 kit to build.

Hello again

My father has finished two out of 4 PR Hurricane of this batch. The others two will be in stand by waiting for the decals. I hope our friend will make them soon.

Here are some photos

59) Hurricane Mk I P2638 208 Sqn Egypt

60) Hurricane Mk IIC DG630 208 Sqn Kabril, Egypt 1942
The name "Kathleen" was made by my father cutting and adding letter by letter.

61) Hurricane Mk IIB BH125 U 3 PRU Agartala, India November 1942
62) Hurricane Mk IIB BM969 3 PRU Agartala, India November 1942
In storage waiting for decals

The next batch will include these aircrafts:
Hurricane Mk I 257 DODO 151 OTU Ambala, India 1945
Hurricane Mk IIC HL864 LK-? 87 Charmy Down September 1942
Hurricane Mk IIC BD936 ZY-S 247 Exter 1942
Hurricane Mk IIC PZ865 Langley 1944 (Last of Many).


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