Hawker Hurricane

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Imalko, I enjoy reading your posts. Thank you for sharing your information! I have a question and perhaps you are the one to answer it. Do you know if the Yugoslavian Hurricane captured by the Italians had a canvas wing or metal wing? I found this clip on You Tube and from what I can see it looks like it might have a metal wing, but I would appreciate your advice. Here's a link to the clip. View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CkN_VSTqJM
Here is an opinion found via the net....
"Br.2337 was a Zmaj license built Mk I, the plane was a transitional machine. Zmaj built approximately 24 fabric winged Hurricanes with a Merlin III engine which had a 3 bladed DH prop but without the armored windshield. Another 24 Hurricanes were delivered by Hawker, the first 12 being fabric winged and the last 12 with metal wings. Some fabric winged Hurricanes, both Hawker and Zmaj built, were rewinged at some point with metal wings although it is unclear if Br.2337 was. I don't think anyone would fault you for modeling Br.2337 as a fabric winged Hurricane."

The enlarged shots of the BR 2337 indicate the fabric skin of wings IMHO.

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