Heinkel He177 Greif

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captured beute french

I dunno if "captured' is right for the He 274, only the V 1 prototype was finished at the Farman factory on the outskirts of Paris by the end of the war, but it was not flight worthy. This looks like after it had been finished by SNCASO designated AAS 01A in late 1945. The He 274 V 2 prototype didn't fly until 1947.

Was it ever in Luftwaffe markings?

I've only ever seen it in its dark green with Armee de l'Air markings, that's not to say it never wore German markings (if I said that, someone would come along and "Voila!" and we'll see a rare but clear view of the prototype in LW markings! True story!!!

It is possible that the man in dark clothes and glasses is Marcel Roca, Farman's chief engineer.

The Heinkel 274 had been designed with a very light wing structure. Owing to its "flexibility", the prototype flight tests in France were quickly cancelled after Liberation.
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Thats the v-1. See post #174

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