- 11
- Feb 16, 2010
A topic that is probably not talked about that much. On the 18th and 19th of April 1945, the RAF launched devastating air raids against Helgoland. This small island in the North sea had no real tactical importance. There was an airfield on the smaller island {only able to take around a dozen or so Messerschmitt BF109T's}, and a U-boat pen on the main island, which could hold three subs. In fact, the pens were used more often than not to shelter E-boats and sometimes Sprengbootes. The island had various coastal gun and flak emplacements. There was a civilian population of around 1,900. The war in Europe had move far beyond the reaches of Helgoland, yet on the 18th April, 969 aircraft - 617 Lancasters, 332 Halifaxes and 20 Mosquitos attacked the naval base, the airfield and the town on this small island. The bombing was accurate and the target areas were turned almost into crater-pitted moonscapes. This attack took place between 12.25 and 1.55 pm. 3 Halifaxes were lost. The second attack was carried out the next day between 5.08 and 5.36 pm by 36 Lancasters of 9 and 617 Squadrons, which attacked coastal battery positions at Heligoland with Tallboy bombs. All targets were hit and no aircraft were lost. On the island, there were over 100 killed, mostly military personnel. Most of the civilians had taken refuge in the tunnels and caves around the island. The infrastructure of the island was ruined so much that the fortress commanding officer requested the evacuation of the civilian population. This took place during the nights of 19th and 21st April 1945.
I suppose that the question has to be asked, why such a heavy attack on such as small, somewhat unimportant target? The war in Europe was coming to a close, plain for all to see. 18 days after the attack Germany surrendered! Was this a case of wanting to get rid of surplus munitions before the war ended? Remember how in the First World War, in the hours leading up to the agreed cease fire time, Allied artillery bombardments actually increased in intensity! it? To me it just seems a very senseless, and over the top attack. I was wondering what other people think about? I have found some images to do with Helgoland and the raid.
I am going to ask the same question on another forum that I am on, just in case you see the same post elsewhere!
First photo shows the U-Boat pen in the lower left, and the town in the center.
The second shows how "compact" the airfield is on Dune Island.
I suppose that the question has to be asked, why such a heavy attack on such as small, somewhat unimportant target? The war in Europe was coming to a close, plain for all to see. 18 days after the attack Germany surrendered! Was this a case of wanting to get rid of surplus munitions before the war ended? Remember how in the First World War, in the hours leading up to the agreed cease fire time, Allied artillery bombardments actually increased in intensity! it? To me it just seems a very senseless, and over the top attack. I was wondering what other people think about? I have found some images to do with Helgoland and the raid.
I am going to ask the same question on another forum that I am on, just in case you see the same post elsewhere!
First photo shows the U-Boat pen in the lower left, and the town in the center.
The second shows how "compact" the airfield is on Dune Island.
Das Bild zeigt eine Luftaufnahme vom 15. oder 16. April 1945, aufgenommen vor der Bombardierung..jpg94.3 KB · Views: 2,683
Helgoland schicksalstagehelgoland2_v-gallery.jpg52.1 KB · Views: 2,296
Helgoland schicksalstagehelgolandzerstoerung2_v-gallery.jpg93.2 KB · Views: 843
Helgoland 0,1020,845398,00.jpg77.8 KB · Views: 1,591
Helgoland schicksalstagehelgoland18_v-gallery.jpg70.5 KB · Views: 1,289
Helgoland schicksalstagehelgoland26_v-gallery.jpg68.7 KB · Views: 1,439
Helgoland before after.jpg132.7 KB · Views: 4,252
Helgoland schicksalstagehelgoland24_v-gallery.jpg71.5 KB · Views: 1,033
Festung Helgoland HU061384.jpg111.4 KB · Views: 988
Helgoland 0,1020,845526,00.jpg52.1 KB · Views: 2,635
Foto von überlebenden 16jährigen Marinehelfern nach dem Bombenangriff auf Helgoland am 18. April.jpg72.7 KB · Views: 954