Hello (again)

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Staff Sergeant
Jan 25, 2009
Newark, UK
There's something about the Tale of the Prodigal Son to all this... I used to be a regular on this forum under a different name when I got into modelling around 2009. At the time I built nothing but Spitfires in 1/72. Then I got into FAA stuff, then stopped doing anything at all... until COVID lockdowns (yeah, I'm one of them).

I did a bit of this, bit of that, joined another forum where things seem to be taken very seriously indeed. Now I'm back to Spits (albeit in 54-year-old-eyesight-friendly 1/48 scale) and I'm here with a new name, 36feet10inches (thanks to Wurger for helping sort out), which aficionados of Reg Mitchell's finest will recognise as the standard Spitfire wingspan.

It feels good to be back!

Welcome back Tony. You and I must have joined about the same time back in 2009 and like you I had a break for a couple of year. So how is Newark, much changed since I lived there for a couple of year back in the late 60s even the house I lived in has vanished. Luck you with your own Air Museum on the doorstep.
Thanks Vic Balshaw - looks like you're a long way from Newark now! I actually live in Ollerton but we like to get over to Newark from time to time, nice town. I've been to the Air Museum many times - great model shop they have there too. Plus Access Models near the castle. We're spoiled, really!

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