Ive been reading posts for awhile, Decided I like the site so now Im introducing myself. Name is john I live in houston tx. Am married for 15 yrs now have 2 kids. I have always been fascinated with WWII. My father served in the army air corp in WWII. I am not crystal clear on his job but i know he worked with b-17s,( he told me stories about test flights after repairs) and he had something to do with supplies. I never asked Him alot of questions because it made him sad he always started thinking about some of his friends he lost. I Love doing models mostly WWII stuff but will do an occasional modern jet. Ive been teaching my 8 yr old son the different airplanes and weapons. Everytime we see a picture he trys to guess what it is. ..anyhow Im rambling
nice to be here and thanks for letting me talk.