Help regarding Focke Wulf Fw190A-5/U8

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Airman 1st Class
Jan 4, 2009
Yorkshire UK
I am about to start building a Focke Wulf Fw190A-5/U8.
To 'get in the mood' I looked at Richard Franks new book, but it shows on page 29 that this aircraft used 'Junkers' racks for the drop tanks, yet on page 135 it shows 'Messerschmitt' racks.

Can anyone advise, which is correct?::confused:
The Fw 190A-4/U8 , G-1 and the Fw 190A-5/U8 had the VTr-Ju87 racks mounted methinks. Later the A-5/U8 was developped into the G-2 variant that got the much simpler V.Mtt-Schloß ones. Because the A-5/U8 and the G-2 looked the same it is easy to make a mistake when identifying in a picture. Of course we can't exclude that the A-5/U8 was retrofitted with the V.Mtt-Schloß racks later . But I guess the fist pic shows the A-5/U8 while the second one the G-2.
Thank you very much for your quick reply.
This means I can use my SAM conversion kit to build BOTH a Fw190A-4/U8 and a Fw190A-5/U8, the latter using the racks and tanks from an old Promodeller Bf110G-4, this should cheer up 'The Wife!!!:twisted::D
The Fw 190A-4/U8 , G-1 and the Fw 190A-5/U8 had the VTr-Ju87 racks mounted methinks.

Smith and Creek say that the A-5/U8 was fitted with the Messerschmitt (Verkleidetes Messerschmitt Schloss) wing racks.

A production version designated A-x was mentioned in Focke-Wulf documents of May 1942 but this was formalised as the G-2 by April 1943, all with the Messerschmitt racks.


Ah yes - definately must be obeyed, mind you with 85 Focke Wulf 190 kits, she's not toooooooooooooooooooooo bad!!!:p
Alas - yes!!!!
'Last' kit I'm trying to 'obtain' is the Hasegawa Fw190F-8 with Hagelhorn, but I'm not willing to sell the house to buy one; the prices are nuts.
Will have to do with a Fw190F-8 kit and Condor Hagelhorn.
Just received Zouki-Mura 1/48 Ta152, and am scratching head as to best way to display when/if built!!
Possibly replacing MW50 tank and punctured fuel cells - it's a stretch but then so's the kit.
weinace (Glaswegian ex pat):D
Just which Fw.....we talking about....I got lots too....:D including 2 of the ZM Ta152's....

In reality my next 190 build should be an Fw190D-11 with R4M rockets....
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The ZM 1/48 Ta152:)

now your making it real hard to resist, have you seen my 1/32 ZM ta152 build? go to Group Build 13 for more..


  • Ta152H-1_Green 9_150168_0025aa.jpg
    Ta152H-1_Green 9_150168_0025aa.jpg
    179.2 KB · Views: 142
I bought this 'second time round', a lot cheaper with all the same parts and more than 'first issue'.

I had not seen 'group build', which I will now put into my 'favourites folder' for some gratuitous drooling!!:lol:

Regards and thanks:D


Have just read your 'full' Ta152 build - MOST excellent. I found your mottling of RLM70 with RLM80 a brilliant way to reduce the harshness of RLM70.

Am going to start airbrush practice on my old 1970's kits!!:D



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