Help with propeller identification

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Thank you for the tip Lighthunmust. Ive sent an e-mail to Planes of fame. However I couldnt find anything called Steve Hintons Outfit, do you know a webpage or a way to contact them?

I may have things a little mixed up. It has been a while since I visited PoF in Chino. A I recall there is a separate facility co-located that restores WW2 aircraft and not just for PoF. I think this company is owned by Steve Hinton. I will try to find out for you. There are several companies in the U.S. that work on warbirds. Perhaps contacting them may point you to a reference book or resource.
I havent got any further in my research in finding proofs but im really starting to think its from an MIG-3.
Does anyone know where i can find any info on makers of propellers for MIG:s?
I cannot help you with MiG propeller manufacturers, but here is an idea. It is entirely possible that some Russian manufacturer copied a U.S. or U.K. prop right down to the Roman lettering and style of numbering. If I recall correctly, when Stalin ordered the B-29 be reverse engineered that type of detail occurred. I also think this happened in Imperial Russia when copying some western firearms. Just a thought that you may not want to give up on U.S. and U.K. sources as they may still i.d. the design. Good Luck.
The manyfacturer im especially intrested in is VISh if anyone know what marks they used?
Lighhunmust, ive contacted the people you told me about but havent got any replies yet!
I think the propeller is either a VISh-22E or a AV-5L-123.
Does anyone know anything about factorymarks on either?
Thanks for the tip Readie ive e-mailed them!
Icepak did Mosin Nagant have anything to do with propellers during the war?
Wells the blade measures approximately 1.55 m so that would be a diamater of about 3.1m

I work alot right now so i dont have so much time for research, but in 2 weeks my vacation begins, then i will try a little harder!
With the amazing help of Steve a.k.a Lightunmust we now know the propeller is an VISh-23.
Russian and probably made 1939-42.
Does anyone know wich types of airplanes that used this propeller?
Il-4/DB-3 (also used by Finland) were the heavy users I believe. There are some others that I'm aware of but were more experiments or had low production runs such as the I-18 Ar-2. Nicely done Steve!
Il-4/DB-3 (also used by Finland) were the heavy users I believe. There are some others that I'm aware of but were more experiments or had low production runs such as the I-18 Ar-2. Nicely done Steve!

All I did was make some phone calls and write some emails. I'll let Joakim explain the rest when he is ready. We are still collecting and waiting for information from sources contacted. You have confirmed what we have in that it is probably from a DB-3 or DB-3F/Il-4 and prior to a change of prop type in late 1942. I am so glad that finally my months of torture failing Russian at DLI Monterey paid off in recognizing the cyrillic B and n within the star stamp that motivated me to get involved with the identification. As I said I will let Joakim explain the rest of the unfolding story when he is ready.
Everything I have gotten to know I will soon write down.
Im awaiting to see if I get more info from a researcher first.

In the meantime if anyone has som additional info please post it here or PM me!


I don't believe they did but the markings are very similar which would suggest manufacture in russia.
Hi everyone,
i have this full metall propeller blade that i can't find any info about. Can anyone tell me if it is ww2 or post ww2 or what aircraft?
It has 140 cm, and there are markings on it in latin letters-stamps in a scuare 43 6B, 11, 69, 25

Many thanks,

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