Hitler's Aircraft

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Great stuff!! Can't thank you enough. Does the book mention anything about upkeep? ie; Ground crew keeping it looking like new, I would have thought they would be wiping it down and doing paint touch ups all the time. In other words no visible weathering effects?
Found a pic of Hitler inside his 52, sitting just were he wanted to.

Found on the net, no credit given
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That is a good assumption, Hitler liked pretty, shiny things... Staff cars, tea rooms, Eva Braun... so it would figure that his personal aircraft would have been kept pristine.
That is one creepy photo you posted, all the men with flowers for Hitler. (Who looks more disturbing than usual!)
Bootlickers all. Your right, it does look very creepy. I think that this was back in the early 30 maybe 31? He doesn't look as old as before, plus he is wearing civies.
The detail in the cabin is good, didn't know they had roll up shades, would have thought curtains. Nice little overhead rack, coat hooks by the windows.You know, the caption for this was 'Hitler's birthday'. It's possible this might have been a regular commercial or charter before he became chancellor.
This book has a lot of good info.

"Hitler's Squadron-The Fuehrer's Personal Aircraft Transportation Unit 1933-1945". Author: C. G. Sweeting

Correct Paul, the seat was armour plated and had a built in parachute as well.

Not on "Immelmann III",delivered in October 1939.
Hitler's armchair (Fuehersessel) was originally designed to accomodate a built in parachute but none was fitted on this aircraft. The chair was not armoured.

Parachutes were built in to the redesigned armoured armchairs fitted to the armed Condor aircraft delivered to Bauer's "Fliegerstaffel des Fuehrers" beginning in early 1942. I don't have a picture of Hitler's armoured chair but have a couple of the one fitted in Fw 200 GC+AE,used by Himmler and Goering,and it is quite different. Hitler also used this aircraft on occasion.

I think you can safely assume that any aircraft which was part of the F.d.F. would be immaculately maintained. No need for heavy weathering!

As for the picture taken inside a Ju 52,I think that is quite early. The original "Immelmann",a Ju 52/3m,D-2600,was aquired in June 1933 as Hitler's personal transport. Hitler is sitting in his favourite seat and had an altimetre,air speed indicator and clock fitted to the bulkhead in front of this seat. He also had a small folding table,not visible in the photograph.Four more Ju 52's were acquired for the newly formed "Regierungsstaffell" in 1934,after Hitler became chancellor.
My money is on that photograph having been taken on D-2600 in 1933/34.

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Thanks for the correction Steve. Learn something new every day

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