HMS Stalker, LIII's and LRIIC's Seafires....

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Aug 21, 2006
In my castle....
Is there any 1/48 LIII's and LRIIC's Seafires? Thinking of getting either of them for HMS Stalker, during her operations in the Sea of Crete and Aegean Sea during September and October '44....
Special Hobby old boy. They've just released a Seafire III in French Aeronavale version, and I think they also have the II and III in FAA versions. Model Hobbies show the MkIII in their latest New Products line-up.
Just checked further old chap. Special Hobby do the MkIII in FAA and French/Irish versions, and a MkII. Also, Airfix do the Mk.LIIIc.
So, no excuses now - a full flight deck in 1/48th scale and, if required, there are 1/48th scale kits of Swordfish, Alabacore and Firefly ................
This one old chap?


Not to worry old boy, already got my eyes on a Firefly, Barracuda, Swordfish, Skua..... :lol:
Yes, that's the French/Irish version, and they also have it in FAA, I think either with BPF or SEAC decals, judging from the small pic I saw of the box art. Airfix has FAA decals too, and the kit is based on their MkV I think.

Hamlin was built by Western Pipe Steel Co., San Francisco, launched (as AVG-15) on 5 March 1942 and sponsored by Mrs. William H. Shea.


The fighter (assault) carrier HMS Stalker at anchor, date and location unknown.


HMS Stalker underway off San Francisco, January 15, 1943.


HMS Stalker, ex-Hamlin (ACV-15), seen 135° off centerline off San Francisco, Calif., January 15, 1943.


HMS Stalker, ex-Hamlin (ACV-15), seen 45° off centerline off San Francisco, Calif., 15 January 1943.


HMS Stalker (D91), ex-Hamlin (ACV-15), at anchor, 19 January 1943, probably off San Francisco, Calif. Division of Naval Intelligence, Identification and Characteristics Section, June 1943.


HMS Stalker (D91) raises steam while at anchor, March 1943. Ministry of Defence (Navy).


HMS Stalker (D91), ex-Hamlin (CVE-15), passes through the Suez Canal[, early 1945,] to join the British Pacific Fleet (BPF) with the Seafire F.Mk.IIIs of No.809 Squadron on deck. Note [that] what appears to be a North American Harvard can also be seen. In the background another escort carrier can be seen.


The escort aircraft carrier HMS Hunter (D80, ex-USS Block Island, CVE-8.), foreground prepares to anchor off Singapore[, September 1945]. The leading aircraft Seafire F.Mk.III (NN300), D-5O, is that of Lt. Cdr. Baldwin. Its camouflage paint has been removed and the aircraft now has silver finish with black SEAC [South East Asia Command] recognition bands and anti-dazzle panel. HMS Stalker (D91, ex-USS Hamlin, CVE-15) can be seen in the background.
Have to say that I've got a 'somewhat' renewed interest in those wee jeep carriers, HMS Stalker and USS Santee being a couple of them.
Have noticed that a few of them survived into the 70's and even later!
Some pics in these new books, show them in heavy weather, all I've got to say is.....someone once said about one of them 'she'll roll on wet grass!' and looking at those pics....crikey!

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