Homare low-pressure fuel injection system

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cherry blossom

Senior Airman
Apr 23, 2007
The Nakajima Homare or Ha-45 model 23 is said to have had a "low-pressure fuel injection system". Does anyone know what this was? Was it an indirect injection system into the inlet manifold near the inlet port similar to a Bendix RSA system?
The Nakajima Homare or Ha-45 model 23 is said to have had a "low-pressure fuel injection system". Does anyone know what this was? Was it an indirect injection system into the inlet manifold near the inlet port similar to a Bendix RSA system?
Yes it was.
The only Japanese aircraft engine with direct fuel injection (Bosh system) was Mitsubishi Kinsei 62 second model (Ki-46-3, 4, Ki-100, Ki-102, A6M8)

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