Hope some one can help me out here.

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Hi Njaco,
Unfortunately I haven't found this post on it but you are right of "a camo where the old tail was painted on to simulate the bomber version to fool attacking aircraft".The "G" version of Ju-88 was modified and equipped with a new fin and a rudder which was a bit different in shape and bigger because it was taken from Ju 188 and the fuselage was of Ju 88R-2.But C version looked alsmost like A.The most visible difference was the nose of Ju 88C. I've found the pic I prepared for Pisis.


  • Ju88C6_poprawki.jpg
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You beat me to it Wurger! In a book that I have (Aircraft of World War 2, published by Octopus), It shows many variants (not the C though, but many after the C) and they all have the same tail until the G like Wurger said. It would literally be impossible to paint on. I'll try and find a picture of it.
Catch22 both the models are great.I like the camo of the G version but the C one looks also cool.Beautiful.:D
Could you give more info on them?
:lol: :lol: :lol: Now I understand.
But you have to admit they are realy cool, aren't they.
Although I prefer single-engin fighters but they had something what is.... how to express my feelings.... uncanny,creepy. :) :) :)
Ok, in the book "Warplanes of the Luftwaffe" by David Donald, I found a profile with the following;

"Some night fighters were also painted to resemble earlier, less-capable Ju 88 variants. This Ju 88G-7a of IV./NJG 6 at Schwabisch Hall has its fin painted to resemble the outline of a Ju 88C tail, for example."


  • ju88g7a.jpg
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Ok, in the book "Warplanes of the Luftwaffe" by David Donald, I found a profile with the following;

"Some night fighters were also painted to resemble earlier, less-capable Ju 88 variants. This Ju 88G-7a of IV./NJG 6 at Schwabisch Hall has its fin painted to resemble the outline of a Ju 88C tail, for example."

OH. Now I see what you mean! That's very interesting Njaco, sorry to have doubted you!
A good find Njaco.This is exactly the one we are talking about.:D

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