How long did you work at the bench this week?

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Tech Sergeant
Jan 29, 2009
Hello all, right to the fun challenge we go!

While I was sitting around I was thinking hey, I wonder how much time is spent at the workbench.. so!

The Challenge: Starting any day you like, bring a stop watch to the bench and start it when you start working. When you are done with your "session" record the time and clear the watch. When a week has passed add up all your times and post it here!

I will be doing this, and I hope others join so we can have a laugh at how dedicated we really are! (I understand most of you have jobs, wives, and other daily stuff to attend but that doesnt mean you cant get some time recorded!)

Cheers, Corey
I'll join you on this mate, starting tomorrow. I think since Saturday I have managed about 2-3 hours, which is some kind of record for me, especially good as I work on a Sunday!
You can start whenever you like Terry! I can feel you taking the lead on this one, haha.
Nah! It's cheating a bit really, as I've got a few things going, apart from stuff posted here. I did about 20 hours or so over the weekend, and considering I couldn't wake up on Sunday, I don't know how I managed it!!
Well, its not really a contest on whos the biggest addict, more of a "Wow, did I really spend that much time here?". All fun!
Haha track, sure it counts! I started out on the kitchen table with newspaper, then I bought a sturdy fold out table in a rectangle shape, so much room for everything I need.

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