.Well dedalos,
Considering all the sources I look at list the Fw 190, and the variant of your choice, with dimensions, weights, speeds, ceiling, and some rates of climb ... and NONE of the German fight tests I read show the 190 as being a great climber, I'm not too sure how to react other than saying I am a fan of ALL WWII aircraft, Axis and Allied, particularly the many one-of-a-kind axis prototypes.
You speak way too General. While the 190 was never famous for its rate of climb, during specific periods of the war(1942,early 43) its roc was very decent and competitive until 6500m. It was the heavier A6,7,8 vertions with their heavy armament and armor that suffered. But even the A8, later in1944, with the Extra boost and wide blade propellers, improved its roc.At Some units that could get rid off the fancy radios and the second pair of 20 mm guns was even better.
I see a LOT of Luf-o-files saying the German planes would do things none of the flight test reports show then as being capable of. Last time I had a "discussion" with you, you shot down the German sources I was using
and listed other sources that I can't get or ones that are in German language only and not computer readable.
I dont remember when you had a "discution with me"
So I'll say that I've seen you make claims for German planes that are not in line with flight test reports I can find, and that's as far as I'll go.
Untrue. Unless you mean flight test Reports the flights of damaged ,captured examples. But i do use datas from other sources as well as flight tessts. For example , the pilots of jg26 , reported to JG 26 war diary, that regadless the offical datas, the Fw190A8 at low level was the fastest fighter of the ination front. Maybe they are wrong but i do take notice of their experience. Other pilots, like Lipfert,Obleser, while report the haevy aileron Forces of the 109 at High speeds, clearly stated that they often fought at High speeds. (Of course you know better.The 109 could only fight at 280mph). Others cleaely stated that it was possible for the 109 to outturn the spitfire, pusshing hard even after the deploypment of the slats. I will accept their opinion that is in contrast with the opinion of the fancy airshows pilots
We must be reading different Brown books. The PR variant IS a late model Spitfire.
It is a late spitfire but it s unfair to compare a recce vertion with a fighter vertion
I'll have to say that German planes may be out of my knowledge field systems-wise, but not performance-wise; I collect the numbers from many sources. One of the problems is finding diverse data that are not all quoted from one source. I certainly learned a lot about 109-type planes by working at restoring our He.1112, though nothing about DB engines rather obviously.
Obviously you understand that its an entirely diferent bird
I have also spoken personally with the only pilot I know who has flown a real Fw 190 in the past 30 years. The direct observations fit very nicely with the flight test numbers I have.
So since he made some careful circuits in a old rebuild machine we can keep his opinion and ignore Rescke,Hanning,Buchner,and many others that fought with the aircraft and reported postwar their memories
I'm not too sure why you find wwiiaircrftperformance.org "unreliable" since almost nobody else does, particularly the guys who wrote the reports after flying the planes.
Well the habits of this site are well Known and i will not repeat them here
We have a very different view of things whether you click "dislike" or not. I notice you do that when I post most anything even slightly negative about German planes.
Simply Untrue.
Trot out some "reliable sources" that are flight test reports, not computed performance predictions, for the Focke Wulf aircraft and that I can translate or read and I'll add them to my already rather decent collection of Focke Wulf data. I don't have any trouble accepting data, but if it isn't data from a source on company paper or a flight test report number that can be checked and verified, I generally let it go or keep the data in the "unverified" section.
So far, I see no flight-test data for any Focke Wulf 190-series planes that show it to be an exceptional climber. The US reports from captured Fw 190 flight tests certainly don't support it and were flown in good condition with good quality gasoline. The British tests I have seen don't support that either.
No, there were not in good condition being repeired and maintained by unfamiliar techitians. Additionaly some of them were Jabos 190s with diferent engine triming. Finaly ,these Reports were at wartime and included in their concusions secret motives
Maybe you can change that in the next post or two with some sources that DO support the good climb and are simulataneously readable and verifiable.
One last comment. I can't quote numbers like power setting and rpm when they aren't in the data, and I won't make them up. If they are in the data, I usually quote them. I wish everyone would write down and report the pertinent data when they fly a test, but they many times do not. Do you have any flight test sources for the strong climb performance you assert this time?
If you have a performance figure but not the flight weight, the power settings,and in the case of the 109, the airframe configuration ,DO NOT POST IT.It is useless and leads to false conclusions . Some sites do this on purpose.