They were interceptors, not really fighters, and could take off, climb FAST, shoot the intruder, and then had to come home and refuel and rearm, much like the Spitfire did in WWII. A Lightning, in particular, wasn't going to go very far, especially if you used the burner or reheat as the Brits call it.
I have no doubt you are right, I dont think Willy was given details of Germanys military plans but defending a place was not high on any LW agenda in the 1930s.
Off topic, but if you live a while in the UK you will find the Brits are almost uncomfortable unless they have two words where one would do. It drives people from other countries mad trying to learn the "difference" when frequently there isnt one. I am sure you could find someone somewhere to give a very technical explanation why there IS a difference between re heat and after burner. It is what we do when we are bored.
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