How's it running? Feedback

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Same here. I can see my recent post on the new post list only but when trying to see it in the thread it is not displayed. Here it seems to work fine.
Same here. I can see my recent post on the new post list only but when trying to see it in the thread it is not displayed. Here it seems to work fine.
All the other threads are good for me also can you delete the link maybe or the post all together and I repost without the actual link but mention the the location?
I have tried to delete the link and even the entire post. Unfortunately it wasn't possible and the post still is getting the contain although the attachment was deleted. It is possible the thread was damaged in the database. So Horse is only able to correct that.

BTW these pics you attached were too large. Their width should be of 1600 pixels but they have almost 2000. So this could have caused the problem.
Thanks again Wurger and Marcel for your help. Now it works properly under Artakus V2. All ok.
Greetings, have a nice day
How's the site running for you guys? (speed, layout, themes, display issues, mobile performance, any annoyances , or things that make you )
Let me have it ears. Plus it helps make the site better!
Any feedback would be appreciated.

OK, I like the new likes/disagree/dislikes, but I'm not sure that it's a good idea to allow new members give negative reputation, and I mean members with less than 25-50 posts.

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