Hungarian Bf 109F-4 flown by G. Debrody ?

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Chief Master Sergeant
Jan 18, 2011
Anybody could enlight me regarding bf 109F-4 coded V-03 flown by G. Debrödy please?
Here is the first photo that I suppose several of you know...

In the French magazine "Avions N°115", this photo is decribed by the autor of the article, Dénés Bernàd, as being dated from 10 January 1943 on Rossosh airfield when Bf 109F-4 "V-03" flown by G. Debrödy ended up on the nose during landing.
The same photo can be found in the book "Hungarian Fighter colours 1930-1945 Vol.1" published by Mushroom and wrote by Dénes Bernàd and György Punka, dated from late in 1942 but no mention of G. Debrody or other pilots...

Here is the second photo:

In the same French magazine, this photo is described as being Bf 109F-4 "V-03" flown by G. Debrödy on July 7, 1943 to claim his second air victory (an Il-2) before to be touched by the flak and forced to belly landed on Uman airfield. But no trace of this photo in the Musroom's book.
However, this photo and its numerous illustrations on the web are often/if not always described as being from late 1942/early 1943...
Is it possible to know the real date of the second photo?

Little note: V-03 is often/always illustrated with the "Ɛ" (the peculiar reversed "3")on the fuselage sides under the windscreen, but V-03 didn't wore this individual emblem, it seems that only V-12 flown also by G. Debrödy early in 1943 wore this emblem...



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