Hurrican pic

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Sep 17, 2004
Moorpark, CA
Here is one, for now. This one was unfortunately sold to Canada. It is the only Hurricane flying in North America.


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I wouldnt say it looked sexy...more down to earth and handsome :D

And I've never seen the big deal with the Spit's styling.
Real fine airplane! Here are a few more of ours, and a couple flying from the Imperial War museum in formation with a Spitfire and a Lancaster.


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You know something...Nothing compares to a live view of an airplane especially a WW2 airplane... The way the lines meet, everything meets in a perfect shape... It's beautiful...A picture can't show all this... To feel it, to smell it, to hear it's engine growl...wooow... You guis who actually had the opportunity to fly in such a masterpiece should consider yourselfs lucky... The only plane I flew in was a Zlin-526...(nice...but it doesn't compare...)
Only WW2 planes ive seen in real life are the Hawker Typhoon, Waco (Went inside this one), Horsa and C-47. All static display :(
Yeah, Hurri despite an impression that it was a biplane that lost its top wing somewhere :lol: is truly a beauty. Not only was it beautiful but also very tough.
One disadvantage that could make pilot's life, hmmm complicated was that glicol tank in front of the windshield...
But nevertheless it is one of my favourite planes. (besides Spit MkIX, Fw190A6 and P38J). :D

Well, which WWII planes have I seen?
Hmm, a lot of them, to mention only few of them:
Spitfire IX (Mark Hanna (R.I.P) at controls), Spit Mk.XVI (static, ex Canadian), recce Spit (I can't recall the exact Mk, driven by Aussie pilot, Nigel Lamb). Corsair (New Zealand markings), Bf109G (static), Spanish built 109 (Jumoschmitt - in dogfight with MkIX, awesome), P11c static with working engine, I 16, Yak3 and 9, La5, Il2, Pe2, Tu2 (all of these Soviet planes static).
Hey Guys, tell me when to go to the UK for any air show with WWII planes? Are there any air shows specially dedicated to such planes?
If yes, where and when do they take place usually?
the lancaster kicks ass said:
wow cool i'd love to go up to conigsby and visit the BBMF.........

Lanc, especially for you :D


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