After downloading the Aces High promotion a couple of months ago I'm hooked on air combat sims...just by practicing offline on Aces High. Received IL-2, 1946 a couple of days ago. It loaded seemlessly on my Vista. I didn't realize that IL-2 uses the mouse to "look" as opposed to AH where its used to fly. Did a few quick missions in 46 and realized that 1/2 or full rudder will never get you anywhere; way too jerky.
So my HOTAS system arrives in the morning (rudder peddles, throttle and stick). I'll save the money on IR tracker until I'm worthy.
It's funny...when I was in high school I earned my single engine-land because I worked at the local FBO and got a good deal on it due to some generous (albiet poor) flight instructors. I quit flying because I couldn't afford it in college. Getting a tail dragger around on the gound in these sims is probably one of the most difficult things I've had to learn.
Anyway...thanks folks for all the info in this forum that has so far made my intro into combat flight sims pretty easy. And if you meet the "Tater" online anytime soon...I wouldn't worry about it.
So my HOTAS system arrives in the morning (rudder peddles, throttle and stick). I'll save the money on IR tracker until I'm worthy.
It's funny...when I was in high school I earned my single engine-land because I worked at the local FBO and got a good deal on it due to some generous (albiet poor) flight instructors. I quit flying because I couldn't afford it in college. Getting a tail dragger around on the gound in these sims is probably one of the most difficult things I've had to learn.
Anyway...thanks folks for all the info in this forum that has so far made my intro into combat flight sims pretty easy. And if you meet the "Tater" online anytime soon...I wouldn't worry about it.