It never landed any troops on Crete. Destroying the convoy would have only exposed the RN to more losses, although with hindsight it might have been safer amongst the convoy, the Saggitario not withstanding...This change the fact that the Force C didn't pursued the second landing force?
700 meters were in the first engagement (Force D - Lupo), as I stated and you obviously didn't understand.
and Lupo was hit 18 times.
And so? Have I ever said that it wasn't in the firts engagement? Have I ever said that it wasn't accidental? Have I ever said that were more than a few hits, or that they were a serious threat?
I said that "the RN ships even shoot themself".
You stated that it was "a fantasy".
So? It was my fantasy or your ignorance?
You implied that RN ships deliberately engaged each other.
Actually only three of the shells exploded, and the damages were light. Two sailors were killed (as those abroad the Orion for the friendly fire).
Source please. 3 - 6in shells exploding is typically enough to do severe damage to a destroyer, not to mention 12 other 6in hits.
And they are normally a match for a force of three cruisers and four destroyers (by night, having the force of cruisers and destroyers the radar, and the torpedo boat not)?
Lupo's convoy was destroyed. The RN opted not to destroy the other because of the Luftwaffe, not the naval escort.
Apparently the Italians and Germans came to the same conclusion because they made no more attempts at seaborne landings for another 5 days or so. In any event Cunningham didn't have to operate in daylight to destroy Axis landing attempts, but it seems likely that the fleet would have done so if necessary.So, when Cunningam reported to his superiors that it was no more possible to operate in daylight, he was lying. Interesting...