IL2 Forgotten Battles Screenshots...

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It would be great for intercepting B-17 formations heading for Berlin. It takes alot of fuel to get up to 10,000 meters to intercept.
We ran a few missions this afternoon, and ended up with some great screens!

First shot was taken during a brawl near Sebastopol, I had just hammered a IL-2 and all of a sudden, a '109 flashed across my nose. Crazy stuff!

The second shot shows me passing under Rasenpfeil as he takes in the scenery at the end of a lake near Moscow...

He lost his wing while brawling with 3 Yaks...he got most of 'em before he had to bail.


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If you guys want to make it look like a real Photo or a Postcard (i say IF), i would say download the "AlienSkin" plugin for PhotoShop 9.0 and higher!
This package contains all used Photopaper used over the world (like the PhotoPaper used at WWII), with diff grain, color etc. Really cool and easy to use. Still looking cool up here though peeps!

yeah.. that was cool.... I'm just happy I can run this without overheating.

It seemed like every mission was nuthin but hair, teeth, and eyeballs... some wild stuff indeed.. I do think the best was your Alpine II mission... for once... in a very looong time, I made it to the end of that mission.. what topped it off is I set that Komet down.. in one piece no less!!!

Life is good!
I made a simple/fast postcard (without AlienSkin Exposure v2) from the sreen phas3e posted, and a funny texture with B25J incl Porshe 22"+ rims haha. And not to forget my skulled DeathNastyPilot. You got to love it lol.


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