IL2 Forgotten Battles Screenshots...

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Same here.
Ever since the change I can't see the pictures unless they have a .jpg extension.

Yup, I posted above that it would be smoother if he posted them as JPG, not the BMPs.
I don't know what changed on my end but the .bmp pictures quit showing for me after the forum change.
I found after I posted earlier if I copy the url and open a new window I can see them then. It asks me if I want to open them first though.
It is most likely an issue on my end not the forums.

Back on topic.
Neat pics of the Zwilling and the P-51's Soundbreaker Welch?. :thumbright:
Heinkel He 111 Z (Zwilling) - History, Specifications and Pictures - World Military Aircraft

This one is getting scrapped as i find out more on this event but here it is atm

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Shhh, I see dead people.:shock:


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Did you pull out of the dive after the kill ?
You seem awfully low for that angle of attack.
I did indeed...moments after this shot, I rolled out and went after his flight leader who was fresh on my wingman.

The screen makes it look like we were on the deck and that I was diving on him like a bat outta hell, but in reality, we were about 200m - 300m and in a turning fight. :thumbleft:

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