IL2 Forgotten Battles Screenshots...

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Heres a shot from a mission I made up for a possible video....
Cool screenshot...and gonna share any details about this next vid?

Also thought I'd post another screen from the othernight's brawl. It's kind of cool looking with the moon and the wreckage of my kill in the background while I'm going inverted.


  • Monnington_inversion.jpg
    22.5 KB · Views: 182
Here's a few shots. The first is from the Y-29 campaign. It's a great campaign, I like it even better than the campaign Il Sturmovik has for the P-51.

The P-38 pic could be titled "Marginal Survival".

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I got red X's on ur post above Welch...
Red x's for me too. I have this problem whenever someone posts a pic with the .bmp extension.
The pictures Welch posted have that extension. It started happening after the forum upgrade.
I can see the picture if I copy the URL from the properties and open another page to view it.
A little slow but it works. Some other extensions have been a problem too.
I haven't had any trouble seeing pictures posted with the .jpg extension.

Nice picture of the P-38 and the Japanese plane you blew up Welch.
It's in too many pieces for me to figure out.

Sorry about that, have a choppy internet conection at the moment, had trouble uploading it to an image site first. I'll fix it.

And GrauGreist, that P-38 managed to make it out without damage, at least I didn't see any thing visible. But it was pretty close!

Nice one Les.
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Screen shot of a Mk-VIII for SEAC. Just finished the skin for the No. 155 Squadron RAF. Sorry about shooting a Russian ship, I did not notice until after the attack.

Thanks MacArther, I tried to give it to one of the "Ontos" web sites, but I couldn't get through to them. I thought they might like it. We had four of the Ontos's assigned to our ship with the 1/3. I thought they were the greatest machine . The ones we had , had the six recoilless rifles and a 50 cal on each piece. Awesome. I took some pictures of them but they did not come out. OOps I thought you were talking about this one:

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Thanks mate, I tried my first shot at doing the complete template, including the internals. It seems like it took me forever to get it this far. But I really enjoyed making it. I'm glad you liked it.

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