IL2 Forgotten Battles Screenshots...

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Thanks wheels, I just posted the latest screen shots at mission4Today. I think it's done just waiting for any suggestions on making it better. If anyone has any suggestions or improvements please let me know. I learn something new every day. Heres the new ones, I added some undercarriage dirt and oil and the Safety markers for the Dzus fasteners. Cheers 8)


Wheeew! Just finished the Boddenplatte mission, pretty exciting. It was fun, but hard as well. Took me 3 tries. I was plane number 10, and had to wait for the first planes to take off. Adrenaline pumping, I lifted off the runway. A few seconds later I was shot down by a FW 190 Second time I lifted my wheels off the runway too soon and my propeller plowed into the ground, Third time I lifted off, then took off after a group of planes. I left the field behind, and in doing so missed many targets, but I think made it easier to survive. The P-51's were not doing as well as history said, many of them were getting shot down. They were shooting quite a few too I think, but I was too busy trying to see what was happening behind my six to pay much attention.

I kept following the group of planes, couldn't go fast enough to catch up (grrr) but found out some were P-51's. I kept trying to latch onto a fighter but kept missing them. Finally found a pair of Bf 109's, followed them for a while, shot up the wingman a little, he veered off somewhere, followed the leader, shot him up some, I overshot him, went up behind him, he started to dive, I followed, he started to roll a bit erratically, I pulled up because I saw the ground was coming up awfully fast and he wasn't going to pull up, waited a seconds, then came the call that I made a kill.

I'm not sure if it really counts, I suppose I was responsible for his diving to the ground, don't know if the few shots I got on him caused him to go out of control or not, anyway one Bf 109 gone.

I looked around and the sky seemed fairly empty. Decided to head back to base and not try and find the Axis bases and strafe them, (pretty dangerous when there is a whole mess of enemy planes are landing plus the flack) and try and live out the mission. Flew back home, saw a P-51 go down because of battle damage I think, two other planes behind him. I flew over, expecting trouble. They were P-47's, friendlies, and flying back to Y-29. One ditched, but one of the P-47's made it back to base.

Meanwhile plane number 4 "Eleen and Jerry" landed, smoking a bit. The pilot had to bail out on the ground, (sorry Alan Rigby)but at least his P-51 made it back to base.

I landed without incident, thankfully, and a little while later my wingleader "Slender Tender and Tall" made it back to base, along with another P-51 "Hawk Eye Owan". He flew above and wouldn't land, so I decided to end the game!

All in all, I think at least 4 P-51's made it back to base, and a couple P47's. John C. Meyer didn't make it back, didn't work out quite as good as the history books, but it was a mission complete, we had saved Y-29, I'm thankful for that, but it wasn't easy!

I can see why it was so amazing that all 12 of the original Y-29 pilots survived the attack back then, it doesn't almost seem possible when you look back on it, but it happened.
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I know that this (like other sims) is simply a "game", but when you try and run historic missions with the settings set as close to authentic as possible, it gives you a sense of just how difficult the daily existence of those guys really was. I know that nothing will ever compare to the actual events, but it sure does make you stop and wonder. Especially after a mission like you just experienced.

Great screenshot and great post, thanks!
There's a good chance you can find IL-2: 1946 in stores still, it's fairly recent. I would suggest Amazon for any of the series, and I'll list then in the order of thier release:
IL-2 Sturmovik
IL-2 Sturmovik, Forgotten Battles
IL-2 Aces (expansion pack for Forgotten Battles)
IL-2 Sturmovik, Pacific Fighters
IL-2: 1946

As the games progressed, so did the requirements for the computer running it. Be sure your machine can handle the requirements!
I still run my "legacy" gaming computer with IL-2 Forgotten Battles (with Aces exp pack) all the time.

Any patches or information you'd need, go right to the source: Pacific Fighters | Ubisoft and find the menu on the left for the game you have (FB, PF, Aces, etc)...
IL-2 1946 has all of the versions GG listed. It's kind of an all in one.
If you buy it make sure you buy the US version because there wasn't any DRM on it.
After you load it you can play the game without the disk being in the DVD tray.

1946 can be patched from v4.07 to v4.09b1m.
v4.07 is how it ships on the disk.
V4.09b1m is the beta patch that was released in Dec. 2007.
We just got some surprising news about v4.09 patch recently.
v4.09 Plus News


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