I'll be in Washington next weekend

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No, this is what Karl sounds like when drinking any beer "Wairzanotherpint marra, as gagginman !?"
Chris, you're right - George Washington was born in Virginia. The links with Washington, Co. Durham, are vague, but I believe it was his grandfather who came from there. There's a hotel and golf course complex there, named in his (George's) honour.
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His Grandfather Lawrence was born in the colonies as well in 1659.

Georges Great Grandfather was born in Purleigh, England in 1633.

Somewhere along the line his liniage couldbe from Washington though as you say.
Good job the old ship yard talk isn't still around, with phrases like "Hoyahammah ower here hinnie, wyle ah coin roond to dunch this pail ootathwhey man!"
Now Marcel, that's no excuse!

I was posting photos with my ipad when I was over in Europe back in 2012. Of course, I had the SD card reader adaptor for the ipad, so I suppose that's cheating, right?

Looking forward to your shots of the museum (and trip)!

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