I'm trying the find pictures and/or cutaways of the DO217E4

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max m will

Aug 28, 2011
South central Kentucky
I'm trying to find pics and/or cutaway drawings of the DO217. I'd like to have internal shots of of the engine nacelles as well. Could anyone point me in the right direction? I really would not like to build the model I have of it "right out of the box".
Schnautzer - fantastic!!!! ...you wouldn't have anything on the Do 215B-4 by any chance..??

(if I know rightly, there were considerable internal and external detail changes between the 215 and 217)

Do215 B-4 is the same as the Do215 B-2 The B2 being a Fernerkunder (long-range reconnaissance craft) the B4 an Aufklärer (wich means the same) but with better equpement.
The Do 215 was developed as an export version of the Do17Z serie. Produced in at Dornier/Oberpfaffenhofen. The Do217 was a new development (it could dive bomb) so structural it was quite different.
The Hungarians had 10 ( coded F.707 - F.809) Do215B-4 on strength from 1942 till 1944. Used them for long range recce with the 3/2 Kozelfelderito szazad-3/2

Look at how the recce camera was build in in a dish like plating. Besides that it was dimensional the same as a Do17Z.
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Cheers mate, much appreciated! So the 215 is basically a Do 17Z with recce cameras then.

Re the Magyar Do 215s, what is your source of the 3/2 közelfelderítő század ('Close-range reconnaissance squadron' info?
haven't gone through all my info yet, but so far they are rather associated with the 1/1 Távolfelderítő (long-range) squadron.

Here's some pics of the Magyar birds in any case. The one I have planned is Do 215B-4 F.708 of the 1. őnálló távolfelderítő osztály (independent long-range reconnaissance unit) of the 1/1 Távolfelderítő század, operating on the Eastern front in 1942.

I combined this information from hikoki Hungarian Eagles. Re-reading i should have noted the difference between squadron level and group level. The Do215 when in front line service were long-range recce

So the 215 is basically a Do 17Z with recce cameras then.
No, it's a Do 17Z with DB 601 liquid cooled engines - nothing more. Was used in the same bomber role as the Do 17, as Recce version and as night fighter.

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