Images not displaying in some threads.

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Benevolens Magister
Aug 24, 2008
Cheshire, UK
I've noticed tonight that some images in some threads are not showing, just an jpg icon in a rectangular box being visible, whilst other images are fine.
Robert has suggested that this is an external 'overload' problem, and should rectify itself, but I thought I'd mention it, just in case.
Robert mentioned a problem with an 'Amazon' service, and I've just seen this on the BBC News, where the Amazon 'Cloud' service has had problems in the USA, causing some web sites to be affected.
Amazon's S3 service is one of the largest content and service providers on the internet. Their being down is causing issues with Netflix and anyone else that hosts their servers or content there. For all I know HorseUSA could be using their cloud services to host part or all of our site? And to be accurate Amazon is not down just experience far higher than normal error rates this is why the results appear to come and go.
If they are not back by now I would say edit the original post, delete the lost pics and reload them. The nature of the outage was such that data was lost in both directions so not only did we not see pics that were there, some pics were not successfully uploaded either.
I have checked on that. For some reason the attachment that couldn't be displayed, was damaged. Although the forum system showed it in the edition window as uploaded it couldn't be displayed while being invalid. Well, if there is still a such attachment damaged please all posters for reloading of them. Interesting is that it hit not the entire daily attachment but partially the one posted in a short period only. At the moment all seems to work fine.
You guys know nothing about computers. It's 'cos the thingamajig came loose from the central hoodacky causing the whatsitsname to overheat and create tension in the tipofmytongue server. That's why!
Utter nonsense !
It's due to the gizmo behind the furtlewanger not bushing with the doodah on the grommet grabber - everyone should know that !
Or maybe there's a gas leak .................
That could be it !
Er ... do computers drink?
I know they lie, spell thing incorrectly, and are often dyslexic ..............

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