info needed on fw 190 of Lt Robert Spreckels 10/JG11

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for a future model project i'm in need of details of the Fw 190 that may have been flown by Lt Robert Spreckels of 10/JG 11 on 25th june 1944 when he shot down a 21 Sdn Mosquito FB VI flown by W/cdr JRD"bob" Braham which crashed on the coast at Holmsland Klit near Hauervig.
i belive Spreckels was based at Aalborg.
did 10/JG 11 have any special paint schemes, what type of Fw 190 would he have been flying i've seen bits and bobs to suggest it may have been an Fw 190 A7 or A8.
any help would be much appreciated, thanks in advance


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Hmmm ! could he have been with another unit Erich ?
i've read in W/cdr Braham's book that Spreckels travelled to Frankfurt to meet "his victim" Braham and they became friends after the war !
they themselves seemed to belive that Spreckels shot down Braham

and if it wasn't Spreckels do you have any inkling on who it might have been Erich, the Mosquito was LR373 coded YH A if that helps
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