Intent of Russian military aircraft near U.S. shores remains unclear

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Yep, it's back to the 1960's and 1970's here, with 'Bears' coming close to mainly northern mainland UK, most likely 'probing' flights.
In the 'old days', many of these were transit flights to such places as Cuba, taking the northern route to probe UK defence reaction times etc, sometimes visible, with RAF escort, from the ground, and my guess is the same is happening now.
Putin is 'old school', and spent his early KGB years in relative luxury, as 'allowed' by his position, in what was then East Germany, where he had a better life-style than he would have had 'back home'.
It's fairly evident from his manner, and actions, that he 'misses' the old ways, and I believe we can expect to see him becoming even more 'daring', for want of a better term, with future actions.
Remember, reporters can't even tell the difference between an airbus and a turbo-prop...

How true. Recently I saw an article in one of our newspaper online edition about US Navy destroyer (forgot the name) visiting port in Montenegro and the picture showed an aircraft carrier. :rolleyes:
Its the Russians doing what the Russians have always done; claiming innocence whilst pressing a blade into your stomach.

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