Israelis ‘blew apart Syrian nuclear cache’

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Finally a credible news source..... thanks
It's pretty freak'n sad that I have to hear about this on a warbirds forum..

where is the rest of the press?
At this point, anything that happens in the Middle East could be cited as a precursor to WW3. Can't say I wouldn't have done what Israel did though. I'm really surprised that Syria did absolutely nothing about it. They're admitting that foreign countries can attack them without expecting retaliation. Even if it wasn't a military retaliation, because they know any aircraft or tank sent into Israel would be vaporized, they could have made a big scene to the press and lied like usual. They handled it pretty badly.
Why would the liberal dominated press think to show Bush was correct about the "axis of evil"?

I'm not sure it's that simple. True the press is dominated by liberals but above all.... they like RATINGS!


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