Italian Aircraft Camouflage and Markings

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Latelly a few fake fashist roundels have surfaced on ...

The above one was sold but the buyer didn't pay because of the poor detail of the lion's head...

The seller added some details to the lion's head and relisted it... What a great moove!!!
For this item he got a negative feedback...

This one has its own story as well... it was first "sold" a few months ago as part of a larger fabric section... now it was recut and some writing was added on the reverse to create a very "tentative" sense of history and provenance...

If you have ever had any originals in your hands and you have an idea about how the structure of an aircraft was covered with fabric you will surelly agree with me that the above ones are bad fakes...
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OK. but what does it have in common with the thread here? If you want to warn other members of the forum you should have created your own thread in the Off-Topic/ Misc. section.
OK. but what does it have in common with the thread here? If you want to warn other members of the forum you should have created your own thread in the Off-Topic/ Misc. section.
In the first pages of this thread there is a nice original fashist roundel... but a new thread would not be a bad idea.

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