Italian Bombers

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what flight sim are u flying that caproni in?
i think ive seen a CFS version and a site where u can DL a C-C

oh and Mr. Adler, yes i know a thermojet is, a piston engine and a jet engine combined in some fashion, like thats what i knew before the diagram
I think nothing too big, only the usual manteinance work to do on the engines, after taken the aircrafts out of the water. But it's difficult to say.
The the plane in the background is hung to the crane, so it is probably taxying in or out of the water, or is necessary to change the floats.

It's a Fiat RS-14, it first flew in 1938, and was developed as a replacement for Z-501 in the recognition, transport and antisom duties, 152 built.
Note the ventral pod, that could be removed and replaced for different missions.

an interesting variant could have been the Fiat AS 14, attack airplane equipped with a 45mm cannon, seven 12.7mm guns and two 7.7mm guns, but only the prototype flew.


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