It's Still A Gooney Bird; The Lisunov Li-2

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Oct 12, 2011
Hi Guys, a few images from a walkaround of the Lisunov Li-2, the Soviet licence built DC-3. These were mainly taken in China, but a visit to the former Soviet Union in the days of 35mm film also provides a look at the type.

5070 1

3029 02

8205 2
This one was Chairman Mao's personal transport.

Monino 3
CCCP-93914 looking a little faded at Monino.

3029 19

Beijing 3
An unmarked example at the Civil Aviation Museum of China in Beijing, one of two on site.

3029 51

311 3

3029 61

Link to further information on the Li-2, walkaround images and a photo gallery of the type: http://warbirdswalkaround.wixsite.c...9/01/24/Soviet-Success-Story-the-Lisunov-Li-2

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