IV/JG 54 on 14 January 1945 mission

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Jul 6, 2006

Please I am searching for the list of the involved and casualties of pilots and a/c which belonged to the IV/JG 54 during the 14 January 1945 mission.
Thank you very much indeed.

Yes thank you very much. This discussion gives many and many details, infos. Please did it give an article ? I am searching for the casualties of IV/JG 54 on that day.

Please I am searching for the list of the involved and casualties of pilots and a/c which belonged to the IV/JG 54 during the 14 January 1945 mission.
Thank you very much indeed.
From Werner Girbig's Six Months to Oblivion (originally published in German as Start im Morgengrauen)

Over Münsterland another tragedy was enacted when IV./JG 54, already much reduced in strength from the operations of the past few weeks, was set upon and cut to pieces by Allied fighters between the Dümmer See and the Mittelland Canal. Two Staffelkapitäne were killed in this battle – Oberleutnat Helmut Radke, leader of 14./JG 54, near Hesepe, and Leutnant Carl Resch, 15./JG 54 near Broxten. Over the Grossen Moor an Allied aircraft shot down "White 5" flown by Oberleutnant Breitfield, as well as the Focke-Wulf of Oberfeldwebel Seifert. Both pilots were killed. 16 Staffel also had two killed, Unteroffizier Krawack and Schwarz. Krawack was shot down east of Bramsche near Engter, and Erhard Schwarz' machine came down near the Onasbrück-Diepholz rail line.

Counting Feldwebel Lehmann of 13 Staffel, IV Gruppe finished up with eight pilots killed and two wounded. That made their flight on January 14 the Gruppe's last defensive operation of the war.

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